Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated ® Mu Theta Omega Chapter - Proudly Serving Bell County Texas
If you are new to Killeen, Fort Hood, Harker Heights, Belton, Temple, Copperas Cove, or Kempner areas and are seeking to get connected with your AKA sisters while here, we cordially invite you to join us at our next meeting!
Mu Theta Omega welcomes returning members to our Sisterhood with open arms and sisterly love. Please be sure to complete a Reactivation Form.
Before transferring membership from one chapter to another, you must obtain clearance from your former chapter. A completed Transfer Verification Form is required to transfer your membership. Please have your previous chapter's President and Treasurer complete, sign the form, send the original to the corporate office and give a copy to you. We encourage you to bring the completed form to our next chapter meeting. Please make sure you keep a copy for your records.
Before transferring your status as a General Member to a chapter member, you must obtain clearance from the Alpha Kappa Alpha Corporate Office.
Monthly Chapter Meeting
Monthly chapter meetings are open to duly initiated members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® which are held on the third Saturday for the months of September to June. Currently, meetings are held virtually. Proof of membership is required and you must be verified prior to entering the meeting. Please contact our Keeper of the Door if you are visiting and would like to join us.
In accordance with Chapter Protocol, visiting members are asked to provide two forms of identification for meeting entry. Primary identification may include any government-issued IDs. Secondary identification may include, but is not limited to:
Your current or past financial card
A copy of your original membership certificate signed by our Corporate Office
A receipt from a Cluster Conference, Regional Conference, Leadership Seminar, or Boule that contains your name
A copy of an Ivy Leaf magazine that contains your name